New video about Light Painter

How it all came to be

If you hadn’t heard, Light Painter got on the (digital) news recently. posted about Light Painter. I had messaged them a year ago, so I don’t know if they have a slow response time or something else on social media prompted them to write it. Either way, I’m glad more people are seeing it!

With that, I wanted to share a quick thank you to those using Light Painter and share some background on the add-on. I briefly go into how I planned, researched, and designed Light Painter. I also share a little bit of geometry/linear algebra nerdiness 😄

I’m also trying a new recording setup, let me know what you think! I had lots of audio issues up until now, but I figured them out.

You can download Light Painter at: or through Blender 4.2 natively as an extension.