Free add-ons, all in one place

You want to access my free add-ons all at once? In Blender 4.2, you can.

You like free add-ons, right? I've made quite a few that I'd love to share! But I don't want you to have to download them one by one.

Blender 4.2 enables easy add-on installation with extensions. My very own Light Painter is already on Blender's official extensions platform. "But Spencer, that platform is getting crowded; you'll have to wait to get your add-ons approved first."

Which is why I made my own repository. Yep, I coded one up so you can get them all in one place. Why? Firstly, so I knew it was possible 😄 but also so I could share my free add-ons more conveniently.

What add-ons, you ask? "Let's do a quick head count here":

  • Shot Matcher: previously my most profitable add-on on Blender Market, now freely available to do basic #vfx color matching.

  • BLint: configure and run quality checks to make sure you don't miss a setting before you press "Render."

  • Color from Material: Instead of every material displayed as off-white in the viewport, this add-on sets a viewport color based off of your material.

  • Scene Complexity: the total triangle count in your scene not enough? How about an object-by-object breakdown, helping you make better optimization decisions for your scene.

  • Separate with Instances: Extends the existing mesh separate operator with one extra feature: it adds the new separated objects to other mesh instances in the scene.

I plan to add more over time, including updates. All conveniently accessible for you through the repository. Learn how to get access here:

(sorry for no updates here recently - I’ve been having health issues and busy with some upcoming projects. Hopefully have more to share in the next month or so!)