"ESCAPE" just dropped!

My animated short, ESCAPE, is here!

I started the beginning of the year with just an idea. Honestly wasn’t sure I could finish this film.

But I did, nine months later.

All CG rendered in Blender. Edited and color graded in Davinci Resolve. Music and sound effects are from a mix of free-to-use websites and apps, including Pixabay and Soundly.

Disclosure: I used AI to generate some textures. The honest-to-goodness reason? I knew I’d go down a rabbit hole painting textures. So, I used AI to save time. I kept my prompts short and vague, never used names of any artist, and edited what the AI gave back before applying it. Sound fair?

But I did make the cel shaders to give a cartoon-ish, high-contrast look. I also made that depth of field chromatic aberration with some compositing.

Give ESCAPE a watch! And please reply with what you think. I’ll do a longer follow-up newsletter of feedback and what I learned, both good and bad.

Feel free to check it out on my portfolio, which has a Vimeo link to the full-quality video file (without YouTube compression) and still renders of just the cars.